ACM Advances in Financial Technologies - AFT 2020


The second ACM conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT’20) aims to be a premier venue presenting the latest developments in technologies related directly and indirectly to novel financial infrastructure such as cryptocurrencies and their applications, blockchains, and exchanges.

The AFT’20 conference will occur online over the Oct 21–23, 2020. Each talk will be a pre-recorded 15 minute video that we will watch together, followed by a 5 min live question period. Links to each session will be sent by email to registered attendees.

Registration is free, but required to receive the Zoom links.

Papers may present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, verification, or empirical evaluation and measurement of relevant systems. For a comprehensive list of topics and the rest of the details please see the CFP.

Important dates:

Registration: Register here Conference: 21-23 October 2020 Papers Submission deadline: June 11 2020 Author notification: Aug 6 2020 AFT’20 is in cooperation with IACR.

For comments and questions please email